Magnetic Poetry


vines warm to fall colors
withered leaves wander in breeze
summer now a murmur in the rustle

Pat R




under night sky
to love songs
all is light in the universe
morning blooms has wings
quiet devotion

Pat R


You may recognise this one, it is the original from which I created the haiku “Morning Blooms”.

This is in response to a prompt for Elusive Trope @ Specks and Fragments.

The prompt/quote: A Chorus Line

“The plot thickens. The chorus speaks.”
– Herbert Blau

Well, I don’t know if any could quailfy as a “chorus”, but here they are. Maybe ‘A Murmur’.

A facinating concept for this prompt though. It had me digging into Herbert Blau, an interesting fellow:)

#MPSC, magnetic poetry saturday



8 responses to “Magnetic Poetry

  1. either one would make for a splendid opening intro to new act in a theatrical production, the first one with it foreboding “rustle” and the second one setting up a more reverent pastoral scene (but does something wicked wait in the wings?)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Wednesday Magnetic Poetry Chorus – Specks and Fragments

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