Spring Quadrille

wp-15838029892313258349159139438206.jpgAs I look out at the garden, browns look back at me. Baby leaves everywhere are not yet big enough to hide the strewn of winter. The dry grass stir in the breeze.

twittering song 

born of lively worm hunt, and worm moon

Pat R


For Quadrille Mondays (a 44 word poem invented at dVerse Poets Pub) where the prompt words is “Stir” 


Eugi’s Weekly Poetry Challenge where the prompt is “Song”


Frank Tassone’s Weekly Haikai Challenge where the prompt is ” Super (Worm) Moon” 

34 responses to “Spring Quadrille

  1. Pingback: Sharing – "Song" prompt participants – thoughts and entanglements; STARLIGHT AND MOONBEAMS; The Ederren – Eugi's Causerie

  2. Pingback: #Haikai Challenge #130 (3/14/20): [spring/autumn] equinox (higan) #haiku #senryu #haibun #tanka #haiga #renga – Frank J. Tassone

  3. Pingback: Eugi's Weekly Prompt – Glorious – March 16, 2020 – Eugi's Causerie

  4. Pingback: Quadrille, Day 6 – Debris Poetry

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