
mvimg_20190430_1115413842404645803924220This not so new thing on everyone’s lips have led to unrest. The killing of George Floyd led to a diverse sunami of humanity taking to the streets. It looks and feels like a cohesive quilt. It feels like change.

not again –
this awakening
rests firmly
in the hands of time, will this last
or shatter like fragile glass

Pat R


A Tanka haibun for Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge where the prompt is “Break & Glass”

To see other entries or to participate go here.


24 responses to “Time

  1. WOW, Pat–so good, and a perfect photo to complement your words (I think they’re “bleeding hearts”?). South of Seattle yet another name was added to the list of “George Floyd’s”… I’m finding I have to sleep more these days, wonder if this is common right now.


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