5 responses to “Flower of the Day – Hydrangea

  1. Beautiful clear images Pat of such delicate and expressive plants. On my last visit to Japan my younger Japanese sister took me to visit a Hydrangea temple in Nara. The entire grounds were an enormous garden of Hydrangeas. there were thousnads of plants and many varieties. Only in Japan could one find such a treasure. In Melbourne they die unless watered almost every day.

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    • Thank Denis. An Hydrangea Temple, wow! Sounds like a wonderful experience. I knew they had cherry blossoms covered, didn’t know about this too. Here in my garden I have one in ground, and one in a huge pot (I do have to water this one every other day). And yesterday, I found one at the store that had really huge, “showy” blooms. They were in a really small pot. Of course, I got two😉


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