A Russle


(Took this photo in the park, a tree sanctuary. I often wonder how this shape came to be)



a quiet russle

grows to excited chatter

a swift breeze moves through

as I near the shaded grove

I pause at the sound of change

Pat R




Over at Colleen’s it’s theme week. This is the quote we are using for inspiration, provided by Sue Vincent. To read more or to participate go here.

β€œTrees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth.” Herman Hesse


Morning Revelry

morning dew sparkle on blades of grass

wild bunny rabbits

and bouncy baby squirrels

dart across the open meadow –

the magic of morning revelry

Pat R


A Gogyohka for Eugi’s Weekly Prompt “Magic”.

To read more about it or participate go here


Grape Vine Beetle -Wordless Wednesday

In my garden, yep! He’s having a good old time in my very aggressive grape vines. In flight, I thought it was a super wasp and reached for my insect spray. Then there was the perch. That thing was about an inch long! And kinda cute!

Pat R


For #Wordless Wednesday, kinda 😊

Jinx – A Tanka

under clear skies, on
this enchanted full moon night,
thoughts of a jinx fade
but as apprehensions ease
there was still that little voice


Pat R




For Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday where the challenge is to use the synonyms of Blessed & Hex in a poem. To see other entries or to participate go here



There was harmony in the park this morning. No swooping seagulls. No squirrel on the run with snarky birds in hot pursuit. There was no huge butterfly skewered in the beak of a tiny bird. Everyone was getting along!

Imagine that!!



collide with reality –

contentious restart

Pat R
