Mini Harvest

Mini harvest in my garden

life in the garden –

branches laden with berries

bring smiles of summer



For Ronovan Writes Haiku where the prompt words are Life & Smile. To see other entries or participate go here

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 416 LIFE and Smile.

Morning Walk

I always stop at this house to part take in this moment of Zen.. Very calming. This is in the side yard, attached to the side of the house! I see the owners every now and then, an elderly couple,

The fish stay there all year, through summers heat and freezing winters. It is deep. I forgot how deep they said. An eye catching, relaxing moment every time.

A good Sunday to all.



Knuckleheads by Dan Antion – New Release

My friends and visitors, I’m delighted to have a fellow blogger and an author, Dan Antion, as my guest today. I met Dan years ago at Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS) Challenge. Dan writes about his gathering at his virtual bar for SoCS. Occasionally, he invites guests to his bar party. In […]

Knuckleheads by Dan Antion – New Release

Miriam shares on Dan Antions new book!!!

Thursday Doors – Around Brooklyn

I read about this house a while back in The Brownstoner and this was my 2nd trip for photos.

“…The Jacob Dangler house, is a French Gothic inspired building began construction in the 1870’s and was completed in 1902. This is in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn…”

The fight to secure landmark status is ongoing. They got some good news recently. For a detailed read on that, go here.

It is now surrounded by that dreaded green fence and scaffolding I think demolition! But maybe not quite yet!
A view from the side yard
I’ve been trying to find photos of what this looks like on the inside with no luck.
Yesterday while I parked my car got out and was in full gauk a lady stood next to me. Didn’t realize it for a minute until she spoke. “It’s a shame they’re trying to tear this down. We should try to save the rose bushes”. That’s an odd focus, I thought! But maybe not. I couldn’t get a good photo of that (red) rose bush.

You can read more about it here, and here.

I don’t remember where this one was.
I thought this one was cute. Couldn’t really see the entrance from where I was standing which felt like the middle of a construction zone. I really like the top.
These last three were taken on Ocean Parkway as I was headed to Coney Island.
Meet cutie pie!!! Elevated above the fray. It doesn’t feel like a real size car, but you never know. We now live in the land of the Smart Mini.

For Thursday Doors over at No Facilities with Dan. To participate or just look, go here.

