A Moment

Who stops to look up at the stars anymore anyway? Lately, I find myself doing that more and more. It seems my head is always in the clouds. My way of stopping to smell the roses, I guess. It feels like a stolen moment that brings me to a place of wonder. If only for a moment.

Then I step back into my reality.


a full moon’s

hidden agenda,

rising tides

Pat R

For Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge where the prompt is the theme of “Finding Clarity”


dVerse Poets Pub where  Merril is hosting Poetics   and the prompt is “Impermanence” 







She came to visit on a peaceful saturday evening. Meandering conversations about everyday things, morphed into events of childhood and upbringing.

The traumas and dramas, the love and conflicts. Families and their decisions made out of love, that is truly misunderstood by the young minds they were meant to  shield.
Then came reflections on this life changing sorrow. There are moments caught between heart-beats, that goes the way of time. There is no changing it. There is no revisiting it And its one true quality is that it is everlasting.

This was one of those moments. After the revelation it just hung in the air.

a mother’s grief –
in remembrance
through decades, she kept
the last T-shirt he wore,
bullet hole intact

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub where Kim is hosting and the phrase to be incorporated in the response is
” There are moments caught between heart-beats”