



One of the building’s in Ketchikan Alaska. It was not occupied, a bit tiny. But solid looking. Alaska had a different vibe. This is one of the doors that jumped out at me. Maybe I was just too busy looking.

My first glacier. A very Misty day.



The houses were on the side of the mountain. To get to these homes were a set of stairs. No roads. They must have great legs.

This boat, the Aleutian, used to be on the show the Deadliest Catch (crab fishing) There it was in Port as we got there. It’s now doing tours. On that show the boat looked humongous. It’s not as big I thought it was. Very cool to see though.

Pat R


For Norm’s Thursday Doors


Wordless Wednesday – Classic Cars




Wordsmith Wednesday it is..a la Jim:)

…I was on a cruise to Alaska this past week that made it’s last stop at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. At the wharf houseboats hosted businesses, very picturesque. Around there somewhere was a classic car show. We missed it. But,on our walk we noted a few of the cars parked on the streets. We were glad to get a few photos.




Thursday Door -28 Broadway

This door is on Broadway in Manhattan. The financial district, to be exact. To the right of this door a few doors down is the Wall Street Bull where a crowd gather and lines form of visitors waiting patiently to take a photo with the bull; at all hours it seems. That’s pretty cool, actually. That thing is huge!

Now back to this door. When I googled the address to get a peek at the building’s history, 26 Broadway popped up. It happens, don’t ask. I know this because the same happens with my address. For whatever reason it has too numbers. Anyway, the building went up in the 1885, and was the new headquarters of Standard Oil. Yep, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil . I read a blurb somewhere that this is where they moved corporate when the government made Rockefeller break up his monopoly. Interesting history.

It has 31 floors, 11 elevators, the style is neoclassical. And it’s A New York City Landmark.

So, here is the bull I mentioned earlier


And behind the bull was this guy. Yes, a real live guy playing statue. Note his box for donations after posing with him for photos.


And this was only mid morning, on a Friday. A good weekend to all.

Pat R


For Norm’s Thursday Door Challenge.



Thursday Doors – Around Brooklyn – Nostrand Ave

How would you like this to be a part of your room? Looks like the nursery ended up there. Note the child safety bars on the window. Wonder what the inside looks like..

Window on a church, not a door but I couldn’t resist, so beautiful.

The is first door with any interest I managed to get a shot of without the car behind me blowing it horn at me. Love the surround.

Couldn’t resist this one either. Look at the details in the architecture. You don’t want to see the doors now associated with these. It’s all modern day storefronts. I’ll spare your eyes…

And here are the other two doors I captured yesterday. Enjoy your holiday weekend everyone:) A good independence day to you.



For Norm’s Thursday Doors. See others here.