Tan Renga: Temple in the Sky

temple in the sky
the road opens
a slice of blue sea (Ubugu)

beckons the wind tossing waves
in play frolicking at the shore

temple in the sky
the road opens
a slice of blue sea (Ubugu)

near days end the setting sun
builds it’s beach side audience

Pat R


For Carpe Diem Haiku



Image source: Defense Video & Imagery Distribution System (Sgt. Emily Green)”

Prompt words: Ethereal, placid, meander, forget, silver


white foamy waves dash toward shore, strains of my life

nothing ethereal about them on their approach

angry waves morph to placid waters
as they ease upon the sand

mesmerized I sit with eyes closed, meandering thoughts

lost in the language of the surf – a presence greater than I

the twinkling shimmering silver on the ocean’s surface a shifting changing wonder

an ever present reminder that
my ails is but a speck in this universe

no planets revolve around me

Pat R




Two phrase stories

Prompt: “….and in a puff….”
“…and in a puff, all logic went out the window.”

For hbhatnager

I am trying this for the first time. A challenge posted over at hbhanager.wordpress.com

Stop over for further reading on the prompt, quite an interesting premise, could be fun:) It’s called a two phrase story.  The prompt phrase for this week is “…and in a puff…” to be completed however you’d like.


Pat R

