Embers – A Cherita

I am sure this will be well worth the read. Again, Congratulations!

Reading Pleasure

Coming out soon!!!

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under its
fading glow

I yearn to rekindle
the embers
that is us

© Celestine Nudanu

Links for Haiku Rhapsodies:


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War – Poetics Bold Tribute

…”Quaint and curious war is!”

Sons and daughters one and all
Go forth and live your young lives

As now, leaders who declare war
face each other like jousting knights
The rest of us shall stay home and place bets

Pat R


Inspired by:

“Yes; quaint and curious war is!
You shoot a fellow down
You’d treat if met where any bar is,
Or help to half-a-crown.”
⁃ Thomas Hardy
from, ‘The Man He Killed’

For dVerse Poets Pub


Coconut Drops

As the coconuts roll around in the cart
Their shells clunking together took me back to younger days

The smell of coconut boiling with brown sugar and ginger is everywhere
For the whole day it seems
In the end, a crunchy treat from childhood

Pat R


A Quadrille is the challenge over at dVerse Poets Pub today, with the use of the word ‘Crunch’.



thanks for family
the ultimate belonging
till we are no more


being grateful for kin
the ultimate belonging
till we are no more

Pat R


Colleen’s Weekly Poetry Challenge: Family & Thanks ( using synonyms)




The things we do on our own as kids, is at times amazing. And sometimes, if we’re lucky, it stays with us.

I don’t even remember how old I was. But I remember the lesson in school had been about caterpillars turning to butterflies. There had always been caterpillars on the bush behind our house. So, I set out to observe this up close. I caught a caterpillar off a leaf. I started by putting it in a cardboard box. But I couldn’t see anything because he kept hiding under the leaves I’d put in with him. Then, I moved it to a jar with holes in the lid that I’d put in with a nail. Afterall, a caterpillar had to breathe.

I was the first one up at twilight to see what was going on in that jar. I watched it change from a caterpillar, to a chrysalis, to a butterfly.
Then It was time to set it free. Watching that butterfly fly away made me feel like a proud parent. The odd thing was, I felt no sadness seeing it go. Just a sense of wonder every time. What it must feel like to have wings to fly…

a transformation
then a butterfly emerge
humble beginnings

to most delicate beauty
I watch my next life unfold

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub
Where Kim of Writing in North Norfolk is hosting Poetics. To read more on the prompt go here. I went a little sideways on the prompt though☺☺


Thotpurge Micropoetry Month



Haibun Monday @dVerse Poets


On the rural route up to the mountains there’s much to see. Horses grazing in fields, and farm houses with red barns and silohs. It’s really like driving through a postcard setting. I’ve seen crows on the side of the road picking at a carcass, and a majestic eagle soar from it high perch keeping an eye on them. But, I’ve yet to see a snow owl. Their domain is the dark of night, while the earth sleeps under a blanket of snow. Though I’ve not seen them, they might have seen me. When the snow on the ground makes light the night. And I slip out onto the porch into the arms of the night. So, I wait for that someday when I get to experience seeing or hearing a snow owl. Till then they live in my imagination.

a hoot here, then there
in the shadows of the moon –
snow owl’s made a match

Pat R



Fukuroo–Who? Who? Who? dVerse Haibun Monday