Short & Sexy

Photo: Classic Love Poems edited by Max Morris

short, sexy
a stolen moment –
passion’s web

Pat R


For Ronovan Writes Haiku


Haibun Monday @dVerse Poets


On the rural route up to the mountains there’s much to see. Horses grazing in fields, and farm houses with red barns and silohs. It’s really like driving through a postcard setting. I’ve seen crows on the side of the road picking at a carcass, and a majestic eagle soar from it high perch keeping an eye on them. But, I’ve yet to see a snow owl. Their domain is the dark of night, while the earth sleeps under a blanket of snow. Though I’ve not seen them, they might have seen me. When the snow on the ground makes light the night. And I slip out onto the porch into the arms of the night. So, I wait for that someday when I get to experience seeing or hearing a snow owl. Till then they live in my imagination.

a hoot here, then there
in the shadows of the moon –
snow owl’s made a match

Pat R



Fukuroo–Who? Who? Who? dVerse Haibun Monday





Waves of fallen leaves
Being chased by autumn gust
A moving quilt
Twin maples now stand naked
Undressed for fall
No doubt undergoing their
Syrup making phase
It is the oddest thing still,
to get a whiff of maple syrup
Untouched by humans come spring
After these many years,
This amazes me still

blue smoke curls
around burning log
telling tales

Pat R



Thotpurge Micropoetry Month

* Photo of a wall of a building Downtown Brooklyn painted mat black and the artist add these doodles. The whole facade, top to bottom, looks like scribbling on chalk board. But this is far from temporary. Fascinating! !




at daybreak
worries drowned in wine
come back to life


with the sun,
morning glory –
regrets on hold

Pat R



Pat R



#Carpe Diem Haiku Kai : Past Regrets, Future Fears


Thotpurge Micropoetry Month Day 11


Ode to Mountain Air



This mountain air
Grabs ahold of me
Mind and body
Feels lighter in this air

In this mountain air
Songs of the wind
In trees a more baudy chorus
In tumbling creek
Rivulets and gurgles
Dance their way
Into my consciousness
Calming me before I know

In this mountain air
A bird holds fast
To swaying branch
As wind ruffles his tail
A gust of wind
Has never been so vivid
My sleep is deep
Restoring my soul
In this mountain air

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub where the challenge is to write Odes, poem of praise.
Another first for me ☺☺

For dVerse Poets Pub



Thorpurge. Micropoetry Month Day 10



She was confused
At to what
Fed the monster
Within him
Fist to flesh
Was always
her fault

She hid fact
That the love
Of her life was
Beating her
The makeup wasn’t
Working anymore

Amidst red roses
The longest thorns

Pat R


It’s Micropoetry Month over at Thotpurge poetry where our host Rajani writes:

“Kim M Russell, who blogs at ‘Writing in North Norfolk’, wrote a powerful poem a couple of days ago about the horror of domestic abuse. A chilling, wonderfully written poem, wrapped in a fairy tale, that you can read here.

I ask you to add your voice to hers. Find words and lines and verses against all kinds of domestic abuse, words that together will become a roar.”

For Kim”s poem go here


Lookin’ up!…2

Photo Credit: ESA/Hubble; Raghvendra Sahai and John Trauger (JPL), the WFPC2 science team, and NASA/ESA


Over at dVerse poets are 4 photos taken by Hubble and we’re asked to choose 1 for your inspiration and write a poem.
What leap out of the photo you choose; or leap into it. How does it make you feel, think, believe?

An open eye
Amidst the big picture
If only we could
see what you see

Pat R



dVerse poets

