
Like most homes with kids, bedtime meant stories. In our house, it was tall tales and ghost stories told by my dad.

Learning how to cast shadow puppets against the wall, and tales of shooting and twinkling stars were my favorites. Especially if we had just seen it from the varandah before bedtime. Then, there were the magical tales of the moon. Always the moon.

Ellie and Portia always wanted to know why did the cow jump over the moon? Also, what was the man in the moon doing while this was happening? To this my dad always had an answer, a different one everytime, and more fantastical than the last. Ellie and Portia would get really quiet. Those two – “…In their dreams they sleep with the moon… “

Pat R


For Prosery Monday over at dVerse Poets Pub hosted by Merril where the rule is to use this line in your prose, no alterations, in no more that 144 words.

“In their dreams
they sleep with the moon.”–From Mary Oliver, “Death at Wind River”

To read and participate go here

Full Moon

my-first-moon-shot1696173487wisps of smokey cloud

drift slowly across full moon –

sultry summer night

Pat R


For Frank Tassone’s Haikai Challenge “Buck Moon”


For Tanka Tuesday over at Colleen’s where it’s Poet’s choice. To join in or do some reading go here.




Lookin’ up!…2

Photo Credit: ESA/Hubble; Raghvendra Sahai and John Trauger (JPL), the WFPC2 science team, and NASA/ESA


Over at dVerse poets are 4 photos taken by Hubble and we’re asked to choose 1 for your inspiration and write a poem.
What leap out of the photo you choose; or leap into it. How does it make you feel, think, believe?

An open eye
Amidst the big picture
If only we could
see what you see

Pat R



dVerse poets





Photo Credit: ESA/Hubble; NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration

Over at dVerse poets are 4 photos taken by Hubble and we’re asked to choose 1 for your inspiration and write a poem.
What leap out of the photo you choose; or leap into it. How does it make you feel, think, believe?


Twinkling cosmic dust
Holding fast to their secrets
Wonder if they know our secrets too!
As a small speck within
I feel a wink from the Creator

Pat R




Micropoetry Month: Nov 2017: #8

Tall Shadows

(Photo taken at the pier in our neighborhood last evening.)

tall shadows on sand
caressed by gentle waves – the
coming of twilight

thoughts turn to snuggling by
the fire and counting stars

Pat R


Carpe Diem Haiku


dust of snow
sparkle in moon light
falling stars

Pat R



[…] “I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.” […] Lewis Caroll


Carpe Diem Haiku