I Blew It!!!

Yes, saw this on a sidewalk this morning during my walk. Went home, got the car and went back. It was gone!!

I know, I should’ve picked it up right then, but it was heavy. Oh well, I hope someone else picked it up and it’s not on a garbage heap somewhere.

A good Monday to all!



Christmas Lights!!

Yep, that’s one house going all out for Christmas!

Another view. If you’re wondering where the kids were it was early. It was barely 4pm in the evening.
Reindeers flew by
Bare branches and trunks of trees are fair game.

It was amazing to see in person. Wonder what the electricity bill is like.

This was on the side of the house where the garage was, I think. Santa’s workshop. There was a desk with pencil and paper for kids to write letters to Santa. I thought that was really cool. And no, I didn’t write one People we’re watching!
