FOTD – Chinese Redbud

These are everywhere in my neighborhood right now. Some are lining streets while others are in the park. It kept catching my eye, but today I really paid attention to this one.  The blooms are directly on the hefty trunk, as well as on the thinner branches. How cool is that? An equalizer. Beauty from all shapes and sizes. Imagine that☺️.



Morning Walk

I always stop at this house to part take in this moment of Zen.. Very calming. This is in the side yard, attached to the side of the house! I see the owners every now and then, an elderly couple,

The fish stay there all year, through summers heat and freezing winters. It is deep. I forgot how deep they said. An eye catching, relaxing moment every time.

A good Sunday to all.



I Blew It!!!

Yes, saw this on a sidewalk this morning during my walk. Went home, got the car and went back. It was gone!!

I know, I should’ve picked it up right then, but it was heavy. Oh well, I hope someone else picked it up and it’s not on a garbage heap somewhere.

A good Monday to all!

