Flower Of The Day – Soapbush

Saw this while on vacation in Jamaica in the country side. The person I was with said the name soapbush. I wondered if there was any connection to actual soap. So I googled it. It turned out to be a cutie with attitude. It’s invasive.

Miconia crenata, commonly called soapbush, clidemia or Koster’s curse, is a perennial shrub. It is an invasive plant species in many tropical regions of the world, causing serious damage (Wikimedia).



Flower of the day

Below, I just released my potted tulips from their wire cage. I used this as protection from the squirrels in the fall. Seemed to have worked! We’ll see! Looks like it’ll be survival of the fittest.

Cheers, to surviving the nibbles of autumn! We should all be so lucky.

Happy Monday!!

