Wind Dance

The black cherry tree is in its element. Its continuous fine blossom drizzle blankets the giant hosta, and everything else that lives in that space. On this breezy day the drizzle shifts to blossom filled gusts on occasion. Hurling the scent wherever it will go. It wafts throughout the garden, mingling with the scent of the lilacs. I close my eyes, breathe deep and listen to the songs of the wind in trees.

a breezy spring day

marked by fierce winds in trees –

a rhythmic tango




Worrisome, unsettling times

lead me to wallow.

Sometimes in fear

at other times,

in the simple joys of my mortality.

I search out small

gasp worthy moments,

holding them close.

This sunset, a diverse gathering,

seagulls, pigeons, crows,

sparrows and humans – and

no misbehaving



For dVerse Poets quadrille night where the prompt is “Gasp”, and De is hosting. To participate or read go here.