Wind Dance

The black cherry tree is in its element. Its continuous fine blossom drizzle blankets the giant hosta, and everything else that lives in that space. On this breezy day the drizzle shifts to blossom filled gusts on occasion. Hurling the scent wherever it will go. It wafts throughout the garden, mingling with the scent of the lilacs. I close my eyes, breathe deep and listen to the songs of the wind in trees.

a breezy spring day

marked by fierce winds in trees –

a rhythmic tango



Wordless Wednesday – Kinda.

The last 3 days I have been preoccupied with making this crazy bench. Saw it on DIY on HGTV. It’s made of cement blocks & 4×4 posts. The original had 4 pieces of lumber for the seat and no back rest. I went with three because I’m short, it would be too deep a seat for me. I added a back rest..right at the lumbar area ( all the 4x4s are six feet long). I also did away with the flower pot part. There is now room to rest a glass or plate on this super armrest.

Another difference here is I got an outdoor step with the curved front. The ones used to make the stairs on outdoor porches. Those 4×4 were very hard on my butt. But the step helped a lot.

With the adding of the step it got a little higher. My feet were swinging like a little kid when I sat down. My daughter thought this was hilarious, she is 5ft 10in. But, I had a fix…a foot rest. Two of them. They make the bench look more uniform.

I put a piece of 2×4 on the back side of the seat so it wouldn’t shift when I sat down. I used construction adhesive. This way, it just falls into the slot between the 4×4.

I shoved a 2×4 next to this 4×4 ( the middle one). Less hole-y.

This is a closeup of my foot rest. No more swingy legs:).

The finished product seats two comfortably. I still have to shellac the wood, and seal and paint the blocks. I was supposed to use construction adhesive on the blocks. But I think not. Plus, I don’t have any little kids climbing around. And I want to be able to change its location when the spirit moves me. Maybe closer to the fire pit!

It was pretty cool to NOT use nails or screws on this. It felt like putting together a puzzle. It was fun!

Entered into Michele What Moves You, a fun project that results in a crazy outdoor bench😊. I was encouraged by Selma Martin to enter this challenge. Thank you Selma!

What Moves You? blog challenge.

