
our friday night hideaway

a table for two

that jazz quartet

that voice –

meandering, lamenting the blues

the hills, the valleys

soulful notes

mournful notes riding the bass

the story of a life – in and out of the blues

at our friday night hideaway



This was for quadrille night but I didn’t finish it. So I’m sharing it here on OLN being hosted by Grace over at dVerse.

To participate go here.

That Kiss

melting into your kiss –

a recurring memory I hang onto

to keep me sane

to say goodbye

to move on



For poetics over at dVerse where Kim is hosting and we’re talking ‘kisses’. To participate or just read go here.

Portly Grit!

This pink flower is the heather. It beams from the clutter of a garden still under the spell of winter. Each year it gets stouter, more portly. It starts flowering in November or December. I am surprised every time. I wonder how such dainty looking blooms survive such cold. Grit, I suppose.

Next to the heather is the coneflower. That too tends to want to spread out. Only, it wakes up much later. It is always interesting to watch these two jossle.

That side of the garden is ‘survival of the fittest territory’. I am taking lessons and aligning myself with their determination and grit. As such, I am squeezing you out of my thought process. This gift you came to appreciate way too late will no longer swim in thoughts of you! This year’s a different thing, –
I’ll not think of you.



For prosery Monday over at dVerse where Merril is hosting and the prompt is to incorporate the following lines into the prose

“This year’s a different thing, –
I’ll not think of you.”

from Charlotte Mew, “I so liked Spring”

Go here to participate or just read


Yup! Try they’re on the sidewalk
A man is loading this onto a trailer

One of everything resides in Brooklyn. This was drawing the coffin of the deceased, further down the road is the cemetery. This is the second one of these I’ve noted this past week. That one was leading a procession of cars. Then, as I sat in the traffic jam watching, tears were streaming down my cheeks. Who was this person? I don’t know this person! The things that nip you in the butt when you’re not looking. Life tales.

horse drawn hearse –

trips around the sun

at an end




This Holly Plant lives just outside my door.

A season in turmoil. The circle gets smaller. Loved ones pass on leaving us behind to sort out the ravages of being. Such loss is soothed only by a long spring. But wounds remain so, as we find a way to live with them.

we are left standing

as december roars on through

this season of life

a little more worn, rumpled

but for this, we are grateful



Also for Cees Flower of The Day. To view more go here

A Gathering

I did not start out thinking I’d like, too, to plant the sweet alyssum that smells like honey and peace.

But now, as we gather to honor and remember I can see how it would have added to the heady, live perfume of the garden and to the much appreciated diversion.

It was all still so raw, still so new. The whips of conversations –

“…What the hell was he doing on a motorcycle at his age?…” “…He was living his life…”. “…I still can’t believe he’s gone…”, “…you know how he is, was…”

blending with talks about the scents that filled our senses as we fiddled with the blooms. Taking turns with the butterflies, and bees.

This felt surreal.

As it turned out, this gathering in this place of sweet diversions did bring with it a certain peace. For this, I was grateful.



For dVerse where the prompt is to use

“I’d like, too, to plant the sweet alyssum that smells like honey and peace.” 

from the Katherine Riegel poem, “What I would like to grow in my Garden.”

To participate or just read, go here

Prosery: When it comes to Katherine Riegel


after raging storm..

life returning to normal

new sand from ocean

now calmly hugging the shore

hosting footprints – till next time



For Ronovan Writes Haiku Prompt where the prompt words are Life & Sand. To see other entries or participate go here.

Mini Harvest

Mini harvest in my garden

life in the garden –

branches laden with berries

bring smiles of summer



For Ronovan Writes Haiku where the prompt words are Life & Smile. To see other entries or participate go here

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 416 LIFE and Smile.