
our friday night hideaway

a table for two

that jazz quartet

that voice –

meandering, lamenting the blues

the hills, the valleys

soulful notes

mournful notes riding the bass

the story of a life – in and out of the blues

at our friday night hideaway



This was for quadrille night but I didn’t finish it. So I’m sharing it here on OLN being hosted by Grace over at dVerse.

To participate go here.

A Rainbow

wp-1591811684668.jpgthis cloud lurking overhead
has claimed me
it snuggles in
displacing the thread of hope
I’ve been holding fast to
it flits in the breeze of the blues
swishing through my fingers
at every grasp

I force myself into the garden
it looks thirsty
I turn on the garden hose
and there through the fine sprays
a rainbow

Pat R


Spring Sighting -Tanka Haibun

This winter has not been especially kind to my spirits. A heavy heart loomed, most times out of nowhere. It was hard to get ahold of, or figure out why. This fueled my quest for spring which took its time getting here.Today, I spotted my first cherry blossoms! A lone tree, stands among others that still stood tall, gawky and bare. This lifted my spirits.


first of the season
a cherry blossom sighting
as spring takes a hold
the blossoms ripple and sway
in spring breeze, lightens my mood

Pat R


For Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday

NaPoWriMo Day 2






on this balmy night
a sliver of a moon dart
in, out of clouds –
absorbed in their play, lightness
takes hold – I’m myself again

Pat R


For Colleen’s Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challange where the challenge is using synonyms of the words “Pleasant & Read. I used Balmy & Absorbed in

Summer’s End

farewell to summer –
smattering of fireflies
target the garden

feels like last splash of color
truly lifting my spirits

Pat R


For Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday where the prompt is synonyms of Plan & Finish

Plan – target

Finish – last