A passing-

without warning

this unexpected loss –

an early december

This was read at the eulogy today. I am not sure if this belonged to the person who read it or if it was borrowed. In any case, it was fitting:-

“laugh when you can

cry when you must

apologize when you should and change the sphere of life if you will

dream big

take risks

study life’s plays feverishly

make the play

score the goal

volunteer your time

mend broken hearts

fall down but get up and learn from your mistakes

live life on purpose for a purpose and with purpose each and every day”

2/07/1958 – 10/31/2022



Autumn Blues


It has been a strange eight days mired in joy, anxiety, stress and sadness.

Two home-goings, one way before his time. An ambitious young man, twenty two years old, on a new journey to law school. Now, a journey diverted, a soul called home. Leaving a mother grief stricken and numb.

The other, of her time. She had lived some life.

In between these, was a wedding in a most peaceful setting in the mountains. This odd mix of joy and sorrow came in threes.

short goodbyes –
lurking in cool air
autumn blues

Pat R

Bedside Vigilance


bedside vigilance
time moving forward unphased
shift in my universe



Inspired by

bedside vigilance
the scarf she never finished
slowly unravels

© Lolly

For further reading and other responses follow link


Tears Falling


Carpe Diem Utabukuro #4 tears falling

It in no way felt like the end was near.  As it turned out I had pried his last words from him.
“Pop, I’m going to Vegas, wish me luck”, no response.
“Pops did you hear what I said?”, I asked.
After a while he answered, “Ookay”.

I headed for the airport and was on the way to the terminal gate. Then came the call. My mirror image had passed on.

there he laid
I couldn’t look at him in that box
ashes to ashes

tears falling
I couldn’t look at him in that box
chose alive image



Our host writes,

“….Haiku can be soothing in times of sorrow and sadness … so write/compose your haiku straight from your heart…”

on his grave
a vase full of colorful flowers
to honor him

(c) Chèvrefeuille

For further reading on prompt please follow below:
