Food Emporium


How would you like to have supermarket that looks like this! Things changes so fast around here my head is spinning. The last time I paid attention this ancient building was a bank. Now it is not. A part of the rapidly changing scene in Downtown Brooklyn. It is called Trader Joe’s.



Tall Winter Grass

tall grass

This is alongside an inlet/bay/wildlife refuge in the neighborhood. This is not the usual color, but this is what the winter left behind. Come summer, all will be green again. They looked to be about 8 feet tall. Taken at about 3pm today.





Who has forgiveness to do with? The aggrieved or the offender? Being human with that innate sense of self preservation I wonder if forgiveness isn’t more about forgiving yourself for the hate and vengeance you felt toward that person that did you wrong. And much less about forgiving the person that did the wrong. Last night for some reason while in a reflective mode I was remembering how adamant I was about this person not darkening my door step. Ever again. He had permanent occupancy on my shit list, as we used to say back in the day. I started thinking about how much I had contributed to being treated poorly by him. I was young and stupid and presented myself as doormat material, and I was used as such. I now realize he too was young and stupid. And two young and stupids equaled the end result I got.

He waited a long time to be forgiven by me and told me so which surprised me. I had no idea he had been waiting and hoping. I guess both parties do benefit from forgiveness.
Wisdom is a hell of a thing. How boring that it comes only over a long time and after serious water under the bridge.



Brooklyn from the Bridge

brooklyn from the bridge
Taken while stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge a few days ago. The highway in the distance is the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. We check out the density of the traffic we are headed toward and decide on alternate routes.

