Haibun Monday @dVerse Poets


On the rural route up to the mountains there’s much to see. Horses grazing in fields, and farm houses with red barns and silohs. It’s really like driving through a postcard setting. I’ve seen crows on the side of the road picking at a carcass, and a majestic eagle soar from it high perch keeping an eye on them. But, I’ve yet to see a snow owl. Their domain is the dark of night, while the earth sleeps under a blanket of snow. Though I’ve not seen them, they might have seen me. When the snow on the ground makes light the night. And I slip out onto the porch into the arms of the night. So, I wait for that someday when I get to experience seeing or hearing a snow owl. Till then they live in my imagination.

a hoot here, then there
in the shadows of the moon –
snow owl’s made a match

Pat R



Fukuroo–Who? Who? Who? dVerse Haibun Monday


7 Days 7 Photos Day 3

7 Days, 7 Photos in black & white
a black and white photo of your life. No people. No explanation. Also, I am to challenge someone new each day, but I’m leaving that part out. I’m making it an open invitation. Join in if you wish and leave a link in the comment section of this post. I was challenged by Rebel Girl at Photogate.ca


Pat R


WP Weekly Photo Challenge:Glow

I don’t know the name of this fruit or its tree. I saw it in the park today.

fallen fruit
glows in autumn sun
back to the earth

Pat R

