
end of season storm

sail boat tossed onto highway

nature’s at the helm –

the illusion of power

a human fraility

Pat R


Over at Colleens the theme prompt this month is “Illusion of Power”. To participate or read, go here

Flower of the Day FOTD

A leaf for Cee’s Flower of the Day Challenge. I think it’s called Dusty Miller. Very velvety to the touch and seem to strive this time of year.

Yeah! I looked it up, I can’t believe I remembered the name😊!!

Pat R


To participate or see other entries go here:

Tanka Tuesday

Prickly.. coneflower from my garden

tainted rhetoric

tripping past loose lips as ploy

spawning disquiet –

the rabbit hole needs some light

how will this story be told?

Pat R


Synonyms Only challenge using the words “MOVE & MAKE” provided by David Ellis

I used Ploy & Spawn

For Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday To participate or to read entries go here.

Cheesecloth Ghost

wee ones afoot

the caldrons abrewing

scare them well-

cheesecloth ghost

Pat R


For Eugi’s Weekly poetry challenge where the prompt is “Ghost”. To participate or just to read other entries go here.


The consumed moon

frees itself creating shapes

with edges of pale yellow dreams.

Forming silhouettes with dim accuracy,

scrawling scenes right for rich imaginations,

poof of painted mirth.

On this night, in this sky
soothing in its quiet and beauty

solitudes wish fulfilled.

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub where I chose the following five “charms” of Samuel Greenberg as per instructions for the prompt where Laura Bloomsbury is hosting Poetics. We are looking at the poetry of Samuel Greenberg. To participate or read, go here.

The following are the words incorporated in my poem: Yellow dreams; Accuracy; Consumed moon; Painted mirth; Solitudes wish

They are from his poem “The pale Impromptu” by Samuel Greenberg.