
this bustling marketplace is a blend of stores, stalls and vendors

food and music is everywhere

clouds of smoke from barbecue wafts, spices are very pronounced!

flavors from my childhood linger in every corner

pressing forward, I was happy to wander back in time



For Quadrille Night over at dVerse where the prompt word is “Place”.

To read or participate go here.

Quadrille #201: Poems of Place

Flower of the day – Lena’s Broom & Lilac

In my garden these two bushes are entwined. They are trying to out muscle each other. Both are taller than me!   The scent coming from this corner of the garden though, is heavenly!


pecking at the ground –

mornings in the garden



FOTD – Chinese Redbud

These are everywhere in my neighborhood right now. Some are lining streets while others are in the park. It kept catching my eye, but today I really paid attention to this one.  The blooms are directly on the hefty trunk, as well as on the thinner branches. How cool is that? An equalizer. Beauty from all shapes and sizes. Imagine that☺️.




our friday night hideaway

a table for two

that jazz quartet

that voice –

meandering, lamenting the blues

the hills, the valleys

soulful notes

mournful notes riding the bass

the story of a life – in and out of the blues

at our friday night hideaway



This was for quadrille night but I didn’t finish it. So I’m sharing it here on OLN being hosted by Grace over at dVerse.

To participate go here.

Quadrille Monday – Wanderings

This canopied road hugs the contour of the mountainside.  

To the left, a precipice.

The depth, more than I can put a distance to.

At the bottom, a river tumbles along, chatting in the wind as it goes.

I pause to nourish my soul.



A moment from my recent trip.

For dVerse Poets Pub where the prompt is “Contour”

To participate or just read go here.