Tanka Tuesday


a mid morning breeze

leaves in a carefree tumble

flutter, dip, and swoon

with lilt of a butterfly,

grace bestowed, free to the end

Pat R


This is for Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday where the prompt is synonyms of the words Fall & Give.. I’ve use Dip & Bestow



Off The Pier

Yeap! Honest to goodness alternate way of fishing witnessed off the pier in my neighborhood this Sunday evening.

The only other place I have ever seen this type of fishing was in the Mediterranean!!

Hope your Sunday was as delightful as mine:)


off the pier

under the setting sun

cultures merge

Pat R


Autumnal Equinox


autumnal equinox –
the last pear falls from the tree,
summer slips away

Pat R


For Frank Tassone’s Challenge where the prompt is Autumnal Equinox ( September Equinox). Stop by and do some reading here.

Thursday Doors





Only a couple this week. I’ve been falling off on my door excursions lately. The door was rather plain compared to the surround.  So detailed! This actually looked like there were apartments in here, as opposed to a private home. Truly eye catching. This was around Jerolomon St, downtown Brooklyn.




For Norm’s Thursday Doors. Pass by and have a look see.



Harvest Moon – Tanka

the smell of autumn
mingle with the chilly air
on this cloudy night
great big harvest moon peeks through
I gaze skyward in wonder

Pat R


For Brew & Spew with Eugenia where the prompt is Harvest Moon. Drop by do some reading and participate!


Also for Frank Tassone’s challenge with the prompt Harvest Moon..drop on by and do some reading.

A really cool two for one:))


Tanka Tuesday – Compromise

Photo credit: Image by Susan Cipriano from Pixabay

below the surface
hidden in these reflections,
lives of compromise
where ocean water meets fresh –
overcoming, adapting

Pat R


For Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday where this weeks prompt is this photo.