The Moment

It is especially windy today, and a bit cold. It feels like a leftover winter day. The pear tree is up in arms. Limbs are being tossed about and there are blossoms everywhere. They are on the car, the steps, the yard next door, the sidewalk and the short japanese maple. It was weird seeing falling blossoms perch on the maple’s leaves, if only for a moment.

The toddler next door is in his front yard with his grandmother. I pause to watch him from the porch as I wave hello to the grandmother. Why are they even outside on a day like this, I wonder. Cabin fever perhaps.

He is fascinated and is trying to catch blossoms in midair. Of course, he never really catches any. Yet, at the present moment, he is very much in the present and there is fun to be had.

spring wind cuts a path

carpet of pear blossoms with

vanishing footprints..


For dVerse Poets Pub where Frank is hosting and the prompt is… ” the present moment”. To join in or just read go here

black like me

Please pass by the original post and let Michael know you stopped by🙂


when my granddaughter milli

painted her doll’s face black

we all yelled at her for it;

now, after thinking about it

she’s the only black child

in our entire community

now i understand


now i understand


–photo by me

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Thursday Doors- Around Brooklyn

I think this was a church…no names out front though.

Got busted taking this one on Sunday. “Miss! Miss! Why are you taking pictures of my house?” “Because, I LOVE YOUR DOOR!!!!”

Then there were smiles all around and a conversation as to its age. Sounds new enough, they got it unvarnished at Home Depot.

I have to go back to this street. Every home on this block is a sprawling victorian. And I mean, sprawling!! There are pockets of them around Brooklyn

It seems everyone on this block was sprucing up for spring!

Well, this wasn’t supposed to be a part of anything. This is a photo I took so I could remember where I was parked😀. But they are handsome houses.

I wanted to touch, tap it maybe to see if it was metal or stone. But the worker and the person that seemed to be the owner were standing there. Next time.



For Thursday Door over at No Facilities, to see others or to participate go here

Barn Doors – Thursday Doors

Lotus Flower- Flower of the Day

From my archives. Took this some time ago at the pond at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.



For Cees Flower of the day Challenge. To participate or just look at entries go here

FOTD – April 22 – Lotus