Thursday Doors – Nuruosmaniye Mosque, Istanbul

This is the Nuruosmaniye Mosque (Turkish: Nuruosmaniye Camii) is an 18th century Ottoman mosque located near the entrance of the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul. It is regarded as one of the finest examples of an Ottoman Baroque style mosque. To read more on the history go here.

We didn’t go inside this particular mosque as the focus was the bazaar on this particular outing. The local people were going in for prayers. A very busy area with this being near the entrance to the Grand Bazaar. Yup! There were people everywhere!

The following was in the courtyard of the mosque. A wooden kiosk, very detailed.

For Thursday Doors with Dan over at No Facilities. To just look, or participate go here



Haibun Monday – Talking Soup

When I was growing up, each day of the week had its own menu. Sunday was beef, wednesday was stewed (red) peas, friday was fish and saturday was soup day.

The different types of soup sounds a little nuts, but they were good. There was beef, cow cod (don’t ask), fish head, cow foot, goat head, red peas, split peas and chicken soup. Red peas soup was my favorite.

That thing was a meal. My mom would let us ‘help’ by passing the vegetables which were carrots, celery, turnips, yellow yam, potatoes, and dumplings. We all wanted to help make the dumplings. A soup without dumplings was just not a good soup in our house. Then, of course, there were the spices – salt, scallions, thyme, garlic and pimento seeds (Allspice).

These soups brought a healing touch to every part of our insides. You could smell it from everywhere! It was fuel, it was filling, it was love.

through this autumn gray

memory from childhood wafts in –

soup day, saturday



For dVerse Poets Pub where the prompt is “soup”. The host for Haibun Monday today is Mish. To participate or just read go here

Thursday Doors – Chios

These were taken on my most recent escape, part of which was to the village of Pirgi ( pop.755) on the tiny island of Chios, Greece (pop. 54,000). A short boat ride across from Turkey. The write up from the tourist office reads as follows:

“The graphical medieval village Pirgi, the biggest and most well known of Chios, is situated around 25 km’s southwest by the city of Chios. It is the most important mastic village, especially known as the painted village because of its ksista, the geometrical decorations found on the buildings of a peculiar style that can be found only to this village. Due to it’s unique characteristics the village has been declared as preserved status at it’s total…”

For Thursday Doors with Dan over at No Facilities. To look or participate go here

Info on Pirgi from Chios tourist office. You can read the full writeup here, it’s a quick read.

To read more about Chios go here



Moons of Autumn – Troiku

hidden agenda,

a full moon’s

rising tides

a full moon’s

signaling of the harvest –

a rice drying moon

hidden agenda

of migrating moon light –

lighting the way

rising tides

under falling leaves moon –

change is coming

Who knew the moons of October had so many different names:

Rice Drying Moon, Migrating Moon & Falling Leaves Moon.

This is a Troiku based on an older poem of mine.

The Troiku is a form created by Chèvrefeuille at

Bells – Quadrille

the bell tolls

folks trudge in

engage in talks with god

she doesn’t go anymore

when he opens that floodgate, there are way too many tears

no more big digs into her soul

no – she doesn’t go anymore

especially not when the bell tolls



Kim is hosting at dVerse where the prompt word is “Bell”. To read more or participate go here

Autumn Quilt – A Shadorma

warm colors

wrapped in autumns chill

leaves flutter

then drizzle

under this mid morning sun

a shimmering quilt



The Shadorma consists of a six-line stanza (or sestet). Each stanza is written as 3-5-3-3-7-5 for a total of 26 syllables with no set rhyme scheme. When writing a Shadorma, I would concentrate on a specific subject. Shadorma need a title.

Thursday Doors

Recently, I’ve been to Dubai, Istanbul and Chios, Greece. I am still processing it, and catching up on sleep. Here are a few doors from this trip. Thank goodness my phone and Google sorta labeled the location of each photo. Otherwise, it would be a lot to go through and identify…yeah, I went overboard with the photos.

Chios, Greece
Chios, Greece

Per the tour guide, Christopher Columbus sailed to Chios in 1474 and stayed on the island for about a year. He lived in this house.

Chios, Greece
Chios, Greece
Chios, Greece
Chios, Greece
Chios, Greece

I didn’t see as many fabulous doors in Istanbul or Dubai as I thought I would. Probably because we were being herded from one touristy spot to another. And for that neck of the woods it’s probably best to do guided tours…per my daughter, who is now my mother. Not sure when that happened. So, no chance to get into the neighborhoods for closeup looks at doors. Chios was another matter. Lots of walking on cobbled stone roads there. Lots to see. I want to live there!!!

That’s all for this week. Thanks for stopping by.


For Thursday Doors over at No Facilities with Dan. To participate or just look, go here

Troiku – Autumn

autumn gusts

swirling cloud of colors

tucked in autumns chill


autumn gusts

the earth takes a turn

a time of renewal


swirling cloud of colors

alive in the autumn sun –

the rustle tells the tale


tucked in autumns chill

a gaggle of geese takes flight

squirrels run here, then there



For Tanka Tuesday over at Colleens @ Wordcraft Poetry. Challenge this week is a Specific Form Troiku. The Troiku is a form created by Chèvrefeuille at

Kerfe Roig selected a syllabic form for this weeks prompt at Word read more about it go here