Merry Christmas!!!

This house is THE house everyone stops by to see every Christmas. They really go all out.

Hello Everyone!!
To all who stopped by, liked, commented, and appreciated….I thank you for all of your support in the past year.

May the New Year bring you more of what you need and more love than you ever thought would come your way.💘💞💘💞💘💞💘💞💘💞💘💞💘💞😚😚😚😚😚

Merry Christmas to you all!!

French: Joyeux Noël
German: Frohe Weinachten
Spanish: Feliz Navidad
Italian: Buon Natale
Portuguese: Feliz Natal
Dutch: Vrolijk kerstfeest
Romanian: Crăciun fericit
Polish: Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia
Swedish: God Jul
Czech: Veselé Vánoce

Happy Holidays to you!!!!

French: Joyeuses fêtes
German: Frohes Fest
Spanish: Felices fiestas
Italian: Buone Feste
Portuguese: Felizes Festas
Dutch: Fijne feestdagen
Romanian: Sărbători fericite
Polish: Wesołych Świąt
Swedish: Glad helg
Czech: Hezké svátky

And Happy New Year!!!

French: Bonne Année
German: Gutes Neues Jahr
Spanish: Feliz Año Nuevo
Italian: Felice Anno Nuovo
Portuguese: Feliz Ano Novo
Dutch: Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Romanian: Un an nou fericit
Polish: Szczęśliwego nowego rokuSwedish: Gott nytt år
Czech: Šťastný Nový rok

Ok!! Now back to cooking😊

Pat R


Thursday Doors Recap of favorites

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Over at Norm’s Thursday Doors this week we are doing a recap of our favorite door finds for the end of year post. Stop by and take a peek! Happy Holidays to all!!


This was taken in the Bronx. We were so lost, and totally stuck in traffic. But thank goodness I wasn’t driving! This was so pristine. Even the fire escape above was freshly painted.


In Park Slope Brooklyn


I can’t remember what this building was. If only I could read that sign. I wonder what kinda life it lived vefore its current one.


This is the library door at Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn. Humongus!

This I found in Brooklyn, maybe Clinton Hills. I remember thinking this place used to be industrial, now converted to apartment building with a fabulous entrance.
Side entrance to St Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC . I had to wait, and wait to get this shot free of people…well, almost.

Took this one on Long Island yesterday. The building is being renovated. This door is about to live a new life.
This one was taken in Park Slope, the entrance to a Brownstone. Beautiful!
An angular view of the Brownstone homes in this neighborhood. They retained their details, a good thing I think.
I really liked all the details on this door. This shot kinda hides it a bit because of the time of day, but I still like it.
I can’t remember where this one was taken. Nice though.
A church door. Love the details here.
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One of the entries of Macy’s at 34th St in Manhattan. I wish they still had the original door.. this is definitely not it. But I love the surround.
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This is downtown Brooklyn on Atlantic Ave. Yep, this was once the Ex=Lax factory. Now condos!
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I can never see the door on this building. Seems there is alway some construction going on here. But I love the details, and that they took the time to paint out the trim. Nice color!

I’m not sure what this building is. It was at the edge of a park. Very detailed. Taken in Washington, DC
Public Library at 42nd St in Manhattan
This is a close-up of the library door above. I stopped the flow of people by saying, “..please, please this is for homework..”.. They obliged.

New York Yacht Club on West 44th St in Manhattan ..this is a window. Yep! A yacht club..
This one is more recent. It is my hotel room door in Sedona Arizona. I loved that place, my first time there. Beautiful.


This was in one of my recent posts for Thursday doors. The cool thing about this door is that it’s on the side of an apartment building. It’s the entrance to a doctor’s office. The front is the usual modern monstrosity, but it looks like they kept the original here!!

I love this one mostly because it was a night shot and I liked how it turned out.

I love this door. It’s not an old door. It’s a new door imitating an old one. It caught my attention while I was driving, so I pulled over to photograph it. There was a gate and I was trying not get the rails in the shot. And out came a young man who asked me if I wanted to come in. We talked about his door. He proudly stated that his door was influenced by his grandmother. He loved the old look of it. Another thing that made it truly stand out was that it was in an area that couldn’t be more congested. A gem!


Merry Christmas one and all!😚😚

Pat R