Star Festival

Carpe Diem Tan Renga Challenge #87, Basho’s “for the Star Festival

“….On the seventh day of the seventh month, now celebrated on July 7, is Tanabata (“Star Festival”)…”
“… On a summer night, considered by the Japanese as the beginning of autumn, in this hemisphere, these are the two brightest stars seen directly overhead. If it rains the lovers cannot meet…”
My inspiration came from the above.

Our host’s attempt:

for the Star Festival
even  hearts cannot meet
rainy-rapture   (Basho)

after a while the clouds move
finally the lovers can meet each other

My attempt:

for the Star Festival
even  hearts cannot meet
rainy-rapture   (Basho)

love notes written to pass time
wants this seventh day to end



For further reading on the prompt please follow this link

WP Weekly Photo Challenge: on the way

These photos were taken a few days before Memorial Day (the official start of the summer season) from the boardwalk, at Coney Island. Everything was pristine, awaiting the crowds. It was the quiet before the storm.







In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “On the Way.”

Above the Sea



Lunar rainbows, also known as “moonbows”, are rainbows (during full moon) that take place at night. Victoria Falls is one of a very limited number of sites around the world, which are known for the occurrence of moonbows.

This post is in response to a prompt from Carpe Diem Haiku: above the sea

Our host started with two of Kikahu’s a haiku by Kikaku (1661-1707), one of Basho’s closest friends and students. Kikaku has almost the same attraction to the beauty of nature as Basho had and he (Kikaku) has written wonderful haiku:

his wooden gate
shuts me out for the night
winter moon

above the sea
a rainbow, erased by
a flock of swallows

© Kikaku (Tr. Michael K. Bourdaghs)

Our host’s attempt

finally home
I shut the gate of my garden
ah! the Honeysuckle
© Chèvrefeuille

My attempt

far above the sea
waterfall’s mist in moonlight
ah! – lunar rainbow




Post in response to prompt from Carpe Diem Haiku: from all directions

from all directions
birds are calling and singing
distraction from strife


For further reading on the prompt and other responses follow link below


This post is in response a prompt from Carpe Diem Haiku: wrapped in a straw mat

Our host’s writes:

“…The ‘trick’ is to state the riddle in as puzzling terms as possible. What can one say that the reader cannot figure out the answer? The more intriguing the ‘set-up’ and the bigger surprise the answer is, the better the haiku seems to work….”

winter garden
colorless and ugly –
spring flowers
© Chèvrefeuille

A fallen blossom
Returning to the bough, I thought —
But no, a butterfly
© Moritake

My attempt:

a returning soul
meanders through concert crowd –
a lone butterfly



For further reading on the prompt and other responses follow the link below



This post is in response to Carpe Diem prompt: a clam (I know, how did I get to this from that? Don’t know, it just happened)..


winter of their love
their love notes etched on sidewalks
lived on without them



For further reading the prompt follow this link



This is a re-post from 2013

Arms outstretched mimics an airplane as he moved through the crowded sidewalk, banking to the right, banking to the left, then right again.  Thinning the crowd as he claimed space among pedestrians, he crouched, right hand with drumstick wobbling between soiled fingers then in syncopated rhythm on the concrete sidewalk. Left arm extended skyward, grasping a trumpet flailing through the air. He brings pedestrians to a teetering halt as he drums at their feet. He looks up revealing weathered, sun beaten features, smudged cheeks, and matted disheveled hair.  With a twinkle in his eyes, through a snaggletooth grin he asks,“ How are you little lady?” As he stands upright he brings the trumpet to dried lips and begins to blow TAPS. He is no longer invisible. The crowd slows, heads turn, all in full gaze and focused on the player. Time slowed, scurrying had eased to a crawl. And the crowd was forced to attention. TAPS had struck a chord.

Link to TAPS played on a horn

Link to TAPS played on a bugle and its history

“Day is done, gone the sun

From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky

All is well, safely rest

God is nigh….”



Butterfly: A lovely Thing


a butterfly etched

in begonia petals

unexpected gift



Post in response to Carpe Diem Prompt : A  lovely name

For further reading on the prompt and other responses follow link below