Shortest Day

As we drove home from our escape to the mountains this evening, we noted the throng of pedestrians walking onto the Brooklyn Bridge. The setting sun was the draw. That huge setting sun was a blaze of orange, just sitting at the waters edge. This made for specular views on approach to the bridge while driving. I have never noticed the sun this size before. Too busy not looking up, I guess. I’m not sure what caused it, but it was a sight to behold three days before Christmas!

a huge sun

lolls in evening sky-

shortest day

Pat R


#Merry Christmas!! #Happy Hanukkah!!

This photo is of a house in my neighborhood. They do go all out every year, and have been doing so for some years.

Happy Holidays Everyone! Merry Christmas /Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year to you and the family! May the holidays bring you more love than you ever thought possible.

To all who stopped by, said hello or liked something I’ve posted..I thank you for your support:)

I hope you managed to stay off the naughty list:)

Pat R


Thursday Doors Year End Recap

The Yacht Club inManhattan

In Park slope, Brooklyn

St Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan

Brooklyn Public Library in Cadman Plaza Brooklyn

doors 20180530_162743

well, digging through my stash of doors I found this gem for Norm’s Thursday Doors this week. To be honest, I don’t remember where I took this one. I think it was in Manhattan on the lower east side. But, I am loving it! Check out the window flower box on the ledge above, cute, right!



These were taken in the Grand Army Plaza area of Brooklyn yesterday while I was on the hunt for street murals. The one above is of a synogue and the other two are apartment building entrances.



The Mantauk Club in Park Slope Brooklyn

A private school downtown Brooklyn

The view from the back of the is house is off the Promonade and a spectacular close up view of Manhattan

Photos taken in Skagway Alaska. The number on this building is not necessarily the street address but rather, the year it was built. This place is amazing!!


For Norm’s Year End Thursday Doors recap. To see what others have done go here

Pat R




Wicked Winds

wicked winds stir up

mundane dry leaves in the yard –

lively waves begin


Pat R


For Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge where the prompt words are Mundane & Wicked

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #284 Wicked&Mundane



Open Wound

This hillside is an open wound. The other side of the gorge is twice as high as the side where the house is. The creek at the bottom runs swiftly with the roar of a waterfall.

The earth have been giving way under the tall trees at the edge of this hill for a while now. It has become a game of sorts trying to guess which tree will succumb next. Especially after a persistent rain. 

The kids delight in coming here. They never forget their super soaker water guns. In a desparate move we started adding grass seeds to the water,  and telling them to point toward the hill. This feels hopeless.

A cow is screaming across the arroyo. Everything else wanders through here. Why not cows! I start toward the window – I wake up, entangled in the blanket.

Pat R


For dVerse poets pub
The line we are to use with our flash fiction of 144 words or less are:-

“A cow is screaming across the arroyo.”

Prosery #7: Jim Harrison