Slow Reveal

in a slow reveal

the promise of spring is closer to being realized

branches stand clad in nubs soon to be buds

sparrows and starlings cling to fine branches like leaves that ought to be

time stands ready this season on this trip around the sun

will you be here to welcome the delicate white blooms of the pear tree?

will they enjoy the gentle flicker
in the spring breeze without your fleeting gaze?

it is a slow reveal



For dVerse Poets Pub where the focus is on “Turns” in a poem

MTB: Middles & Turns

Thursday Doors – Around Brooklyn

Taken on my walk yesterday.

I really like the first two, they’ve seen some life🙂. To they’re old and worn, but still standing, like someone I know😄

For Thursday Doors now being hosted by Dan Antion over at No Facilities. To join in go here

Waterbury Doors – #ThursdayDoors



Slip in Time – Bleeding Hearts

dusk lingers

as day grows longer

slip in time


For Ronovan Writes Haiku where the prompt words are Slip & Time

To participate or just read go here


Bleeding Hearts for Cees FOTD Challenge to see other entries go here


My mom is at home on hospice care.  Her independence has been dealt a blow. Dementia reared its ugly head but, she forges on. At times she drifts.

in talks with long gone kin

peers across dimension

without much intension

a slip in time..



For dVerse Poets Pub where it is quadrille night. Our host asks us to write a 44 word poem with the use of the word “go”. I used “gone”.

To read or join in go here


I went for a walk today. The park is still snow layden, white, crisp and has yet to be walked upon. Further down, before I came upon this scene there were lots of geese walking in a line. It seems they were taking care not to walk on the snow. Or maybe they were just foraging. It was odd to see.. a waddling line of geese.

in the park
newly arrived geese
sign of spring

