Quadrille Monday – Wanderings

This canopied road hugs the contour of the mountainside.  

To the left, a precipice.

The depth, more than I can put a distance to.

At the bottom, a river tumbles along, chatting in the wind as it goes.

I pause to nourish my soul.



A moment from my recent trip.

For dVerse Poets Pub where the prompt is “Contour”

To participate or just read go here.

Time – Abhanga

here in this morning breeze

a flurry of blossoms

afloat, pleasing balsam

whose time has come



The elements of the Abhanga are:

  • stanzaic, written in any number of 4 line stanzas.
  • syllabic, 6-6-6-4 syllables each
  • rhymed L2 and L3 rhyme. Often internal rhyme is employed. End rhyme scheme x a a x , x being unrhymed.

Reflection -Abhanga

I see her in your eyes

fight, determination

quiet affirmations –

true reflection



The elements of the Abhanga are:

  • stanzaic, written in any number of 4 line stanzas.
  • syllabic, 6-6-6-4 syllables each
  • rhymed L2 and L3 rhyme. Often internal rhyme is employed. End rhyme scheme x a a x , x being unrhymed.

For Eugi’s Weekly Prompt where the prompt for this week is “Reflection”. To see other entries or to participate, go here


I keep you

deep in my heart

you waltzed in

curled up

and never left

ever so often

I find myself hiding you

in my poetry

yes – I do keep you

deep in my heart



For dVerse Poets Pub where Grace is hosting and the prompt is body parts as metaphors To read or join in go here



(With all her antics, I googled her..a Northern Mockingbird)


This backyard of mine is at once a wild kingdom and a comedy skit. Yesterday was a gray, chilly and windy day bearing no resemblance to spring. I looked out to see her, the bird living in my tree that is, entering her nest.

The wind has been toying with that small tree all day. Really tossing it to and fro. I am thinking this was the reason for the loud twittering that had been filling the air on and off all day. A squirrel, traisping across the back fence found himself on the run. The nesting bird chased him down
and pecked him in the ass. I’ve never seen that before. I guess he was closer than she wanted him to be to her nest.

Today there was a repeat. Only, this time he was racing up and down the main trunk of the neighbor’s very tall tree and she was in hot pursuit! What is with this bird! Maybe they’re just friends. Romping. Or, maybe they’re just as crazy as us humans.

clouds scurrying

across a not so full moon –

spring feels out of sink

Pat R


