

on this balmy night
a sliver of a moon dart
in, out of clouds –
absorbed in their play, lightness
takes hold – I’m myself again

Pat R


For Colleen’s Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challange where the challenge is using synonyms of the words “Pleasant & Read. I used Balmy & Absorbed in



the bustling harbor slows to a crawl,
evening has come

fishermen mending and stowing nets

seaguls mingle with the locals, staking their claim

artists and poets camped out
taking it all in

snatches of life held in time to be visited time and again

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub where Lillian is hosting and the prompt word is “Harbor” for a Quadrille, a 44 word poem created by dVerse.

Pop over, read a few, write one and enjoy๐Ÿ˜Š


Hushed Reflection


it’s autumn again –
as the verve of summer wanes
gulls claim beach with zeal

a measured change – sound of waves,
empty shores – hushed reflection

Par R


For Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday where the prompt was synonyms of Vigor & Energy. I used

Vigor – verve

Energy – zeal


For Open Link Night over at dVerse Poets Pub

Summer’s End

farewell to summer –
smattering of fireflies
target the garden

feels like last splash of color
truly lifting my spirits

Pat R


For Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday where the prompt is synonyms of Plan & Finish

Plan – target

Finish – last

Autumn Wind Talking

The morning wears the humidity like a cloak. Through still air, the cries of the hawk from the tree canopy. He seizes the opportunity to buzz the red tailed squirrels, bringing to a halt their morning romp. The morning gaggle of geese wander through like they own the place. All a part of the morning routine around here.


early morning walk
flutter ripple through trees – soon,
autumn wind talking

Pat R


For Frank Tassone’s Poetry Challenge where the ptompt is Autumn Wind


For dVerse Poets Pub Haibun Monday


pieces of my life
on bits of paper mingle
with the coins
in my pocket – the poem
continues to elude me


synonym: elude

synonym: coins

For Colleen’s Weekly Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge where the prompt words are Change & Defy ( using synonyms)



in trees, suttle signs
as autumn rounds the corner
more visible sky
Pat R


For Haiku Horizons where the prompt is Corner.

And, coincidentally:) for Frank Tassone Haikai Challenge – referencing Autumn