
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that existence has its own reason for being.

Even for those immeasurably flawed.

I know enough of the world to recognize I know nothing about why I am.

The inkling that flits through my consciousness from time to time says that cherishing the next breath, is the only moment of any consequence.

Worldly goods are just that..worldly.

They will still be such way after my time has come, and the worms are having their way with me.

Or, if I were bold enough, long after I’ve been scattered to the wind.



For dVerse Poets Pub where Merril is hosting and the prompt is to include the lines below in a piece of prose.

“I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that existence has its own reason for being.”
— Wisława Szymborska, “Possibilities”

For further reading of other entries it to participate go here

Prosery: Possibilities

A Tanka


a fragrant noon breeze

the heady scent of lilacs –
a perfect spring day
then in this cherished moment
the buzz of a bumble bee

Pat R


For Eugi’s weekly challenge where thd prompt is “Cherish”. To see other entries or to participate go here.


For Frank’s weekly haikai challenge where the prompt is “Fragrant Breeze”.. To see other entries or to join in go here.


dVerse Poets where the challenge is 5 line Japanese Poetry. To explore go here. Frank is hosting.





Standing Up


It was mid morning on a weekday.
I was working in my garden.
Doing battle, was more like it.
This unruly patch is the only green in this row of yards.
The grape is tangled with the honeysuckle.
Lina’s broom is on a surge for the sun while stiffling the lavendar.
When far away an interrupted cry.
It was the voice of a woman. I could hear the blows landing, and the rebuke with each blow. This, even after she had stopped crying out. A man’s voice, full of rage, blaming her for it all. She refused to give him the satisfaction of crying anymore.
He kept hitting her.
I couldn’t figure out which house this was coming from.
I felt helpless, pissed off and horrified all at once
Then there was a gurgly scream from him
Followed by silence.

Pat R


For dVerse poets prosery #1, word limit 144 words max and include this line
“…when far away an interrupted cry..”

This prosey contains 140 words..I think.

Stop over and do some reading, or even participate here.

Prosery #1

Butterfly’s Dance


In the garden, a sweet scent romps with the occasional gust. A small tree that once lived in the shadow of the mulberry, is now rich with scented blooms.

at the heart of the
butterfly’s dance, the sweet scent
of blooms – warm spring day

Pat R


For dVerse poets where it’s quadrille monday and Kim is hosting. The prompt is “Rich”


For Ronovan Writes Haiku where the prompt is Sweet & Heart


A Quadrille


On Garden culture –

Ants are about hauling several times their weight

Bees and butterflies share a flower
Showing no interest in exerting power

Just what have they figured out that we have yet to?

Maybe some day soon it’s something we’ll get up to

Pat R


For dVerse Poets where the host this week is De. The prompt word for this week’s quadrille (a 44 words poem) is


A Complex Legacy


This rise of incivility, hate mongering, and inhumane acts have settled in. It’s sowing itself into our fabric. I worry it’s a stain not easily removed.

a complex legacy

inhumane circumstances
normalized for too long

cotton fields
bloom with the DNA
of my ancestors

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub where the prompt is “Rise”. Stop by and do some reading or join in here.


NaPoWriMo Day 22



Eavesdropping- A Quadrille

Steeped in nature,
Eavesdropping –

Mass flutter of wings
erase trickling rustle
of falling leaves

Sparrows on a lark
on pine branches

Call of the crow pierce
the babble of the creek

Unseen scurry under dried leaves
sends a shiver up my spine –
Eavesdropping halted!

Pat R


For dVerse Poets where the poem of choice is the Quadrille (a 44word poem) and theprompt word is ” Steep”.

A Wink – Quadrille

I don’t know what made me do it
I really didn’t mean to do it

But that look on his face
Not a very happy face

Our eyes met
and before I knew it

A wink brought a smile
to that very surly face

Pat R


For dVerse Poets where the prompt is: “Wink” for Quadrille Monday and our host is  De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo). A Quadrille is a 44 word poem. Stop in for a read or join in the fun! Here.😊



The things we do on our own as kids, is at times amazing. And sometimes, if we’re lucky, it stays with us.

I don’t even remember how old I was. But I remember the lesson in school had been about caterpillars turning to butterflies. There had always been caterpillars on the bush behind our house. So, I set out to observe this up close. I caught a caterpillar off a leaf. I started by putting it in a cardboard box. But I couldn’t see anything because he kept hiding under the leaves I’d put in with him. Then, I moved it to a jar with holes in the lid that I’d put in with a nail. Afterall, a caterpillar had to breathe.

I was the first one up at twilight to see what was going on in that jar. I watched it change from a caterpillar, to a chrysalis, to a butterfly.
Then It was time to set it free. Watching that butterfly fly away made me feel like a proud parent. The odd thing was, I felt no sadness seeing it go. Just a sense of wonder every time. What it must feel like to have wings to fly…

a transformation
then a butterfly emerge
humble beginnings

to most delicate beauty
I watch my next life unfold

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub
Where Kim of Writing in North Norfolk is hosting Poetics. To read more on the prompt go here. I went a little sideways on the prompt though☺☺


Thotpurge Micropoetry Month



Quadrille – Journey

IMG_2017-10-22_15_48_20_bw black and white beach

Today it’s Quadrille at dVerse, with Mish hosting. The poem has to have exactly 44 words. The word that has to be included in the poem is “rock”.

Colorful pebbles wash ashore
as waves deposit a cache that rocks the
colors of the rainbow

How far have you come?

And what dreams did you stir on those far away shores?

Did they too, see the rainbow at the tips of their toes?

Pat R
