

the bustling harbor slows to a crawl,
evening has come

fishermen mending and stowing nets

seaguls mingle with the locals, staking their claim

artists and poets camped out
taking it all in

snatches of life held in time to be visited time and again

Pat R


For dVerse Poets Pub where Lillian is hosting and the prompt word is “Harbor” for a Quadrille, a 44 word poem created by dVerse.

Pop over, read a few, write one and enjoy😊


23 responses to “Harbor

  1. YES! You’ve captured the harbor as the day winds down….perhaps there’s even a beautiful sunset evolving in the sky. I love the perfect detail of the fishermen mending their nets. It is an age-old career, many times handed down from generation to generation…many times the same old fishing boat.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, funny that you mentioned a sunset. I had one in there but edited it out in lieu of the seaguls😊. You are right about fishing being passed down through generations. It’s one of those that gets in your blood. Thank you for your kind words Lillian😊.


  2. I like this vision of the harbor winding down. The fishermen mending their nets – it is indeed an old profession, being a waterman. the poets writing away recording all of the goings on, just like artists with their paints. I especially like the seagulls. I can just see them walking about among the people, heads bobbing with their steps.

    Liked by 1 person

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