Wednesday Writer’s Quote


I am participating in this new thing called Writer’s Quote Wednesday  a collaboration between Ronovan Writes and also on twitter  #BeWoW

I love this idea of quoting a writer as it pertains to writing.  A quote that influence,  inspired, leave a mark on your psyche.  For mine as far as who said it..sorry, don’t remember his name, having a malfunction of my gray matter.  He was being interviewed or was on a panel discussion on the process of writing or growing a character.

In essence he said

“…as a writer the characters reveal themselves to the writer. They start as a shadow,  a distant mirage moving toward you. As they get closer the image is sharper ending with the revelation that we as writers gladly take credit for…”

That was the coolest thing I’d ever heard a writer say. Some others that I found that now have me digging for their work:

“It is perectly okay to write garbage – as long as you edit brillantly” – C.J. Cherryh


” Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards”

– Robert A. Heinein


“if you wish to be a writer, write.” – Epictetus



Troiku : Seasons


What is a Troiku?

 In short you have to write three new haiku using the three separated lines of the given haiku as the first line. Go here to read more about Troiku .

This is the “blue-print” of the troiku:

butterflies and birds
restlessly they rise up
a cloud of flowers
(© Basho (Tr. Jane Reichhold)

butterflies and birds
no longer out and about
summer storm coming

restlessly they rise up
staging area abuzz
autumn migration

a cloud of flowers
lost in pollen tsunami
bees swept from their perch



For Carpe Diem Haiku