

Photo: Taken at the beach on a end-of-summer day, hurricane was in the winds. As the waves swept back out to sea I got this shot. Very shiny!!

wind and rain
torturing young leaves
– bruised buds

mountain trail –
the silence broken
monk’s footsteps

river calms –
summer breeze hugs frame
as she strolls

snow atop
sparrow’s evergreen –
now, blue sky


Carpe Diem Haiku prompt: Full Circle

Weekly Photo Challenge: Shine

Words to be used, in clockwise order, one in each line of haiku :-

rain, young leaves, buds, mountain, silence, monk, river, summer breeze, she, snow, sparrow (s), blue sky

15 responses to “Elements

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Shine – WoollyMuses

  2. Pingback: Shine: Clouds | What's (in) the picture?