Lookin’ up!…2

Photo Credit: ESA/Hubble; Raghvendra Sahai and John Trauger (JPL), the WFPC2 science team, and NASA/ESA


Over at dVerse poets are 4 photos taken by Hubble and we’re asked to choose 1 for your inspiration and write a poem.
What leap out of the photo you choose; or leap into it. How does it make you feel, think, believe?

An open eye
Amidst the big picture
If only we could
see what you see

Pat R



dVerse poets





Photo Credit: ESA/Hubble; NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration

Over at dVerse poets are 4 photos taken by Hubble and we’re asked to choose 1 for your inspiration and write a poem.
What leap out of the photo you choose; or leap into it. How does it make you feel, think, believe?


Twinkling cosmic dust
Holding fast to their secrets
Wonder if they know our secrets too!
As a small speck within
I feel a wink from the Creator

Pat R





Micropoetry Month: Nov 2017: #8

Inevitable Journey


deep into autumn
color of the fallen leaves fade
gone are illusions
inevitable journey
a path we all have to take

Pat R


Micropoetry Month Day 7
Over at Thotpurge. with Rajani. Today we write a tanka. Pop over for a read, and join in..here

Daily Haiku Challenge