Mother Nature


Mother Nature

Yesterday, I drove by what’s left of this magnolia tree and spotted that lone flower. It was the oddest thing to see this upright stump standing there with its lone flower swaying in the breeze. Yep, swaying, like everything was alright in its world!! So, I went around the block so I could come back around to take its picture. If this isn’t all about hope, I don’t know what is. I bet the owner didn’t expect this😊 Ha, Ha!! I love Brooklyn!

Pat R


For Daily Prompt : Notable

Photo Challenge:Favorite Place

Taken off the pier in my neighborhood one evening this winter. A spring day came to visit. It’s a peaceful place where friends meet and folks toss their fishing line. The time for the comings and goings of boats have long gone. This, I am sure contributes to the sense of peace I feel here.

This is one of my favorite places.

For Weekly Photo Challenge: Favorite Place

Pat R


Weekly photo challenge: rise/ set

Starry Night


we love to sneak out

amidst swarm of fireflies

a true starry night

Pat R .


For Ronovan Writes Haiku where the prompt words are Sneak & Night


WP Daily Prompt: Wonder



DP Challenge:Out of This World

Art installation made of huge nails. Photo taken on the streets of Manhattan a while back. Definitely out of this world!

Pat R
